Our latest news from our roster, as we seem to have quite a need to keep the community updated. We have lost two of our old men, both Shadow and Ritual have decided to leave our happy abode, not a massive surprise from Shadow as he was still serving probation from the last time he left, but best of luck in your new clan, and may you find what your lookin for. Scooby also left as part of this, although being confronted two weeks earlier to discuss the very issue. But to happier news, we have already taken on three new men, who seem to fit in very well indeed, and will add much to the team environment in DUTA. So please welcome Boyo to the clan, formerly known to many of you as Welsh Dragon, a lovely bloke and a great addition to our aging bunch, the accent alone making him worthy. Our next two have come together and likewise seem a great addition to our growing squad, so big welcome to Rooster and MI5, hope you both enjoy your time with us, and you enjoy your games as much as we do. Best of luck to you all.
Hippy||DUTA|| on Tuesday, 19 October 2004, 22:50:05
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