
Admins on our |DUTA| & |SSG|CoD4 Server

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Admins on our |DUTA| & |SSG|CoD4 Server

Postby |SSG|Gen.Lord on 14 Feb 2008, 08:34

Greetings Brothers in DUTA !

I just want to inform about the Admins we have to day on our CoD4 server we run together. It is important to know this names if any problem up come in the game that Admins need to take action for.

|DUTA|Nilrem (Super Admin)
|DUTA|Apps (Activate next time he is MSN online)
|DUTA|Rage (Activate next time he is MSN online)

|SSG|Strand (Super Admin)
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Postby Rage||DUTA|| on 14 Feb 2008, 19:33

Thx for the invite Lord m8 - but you'll never get me on MSN (don't have it) :cry: :cry: :cry:

Will have to contact me otherwise, maybe on Vent or so...
Lord please forgive them, for they know not that they have challenged the DUTA Clan...
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Postby Hippy||DUTA|| on 14 Feb 2008, 20:01

Organise a vent night to activate....

Ill tidy up this post after Lord has read and youve organised someit. :idea:
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Postby |SSG|Gen.Lord on 15 Feb 2008, 09:05

Its cool Rage!

I mail you the files on your adress.
So have a eye there so you dont miss it.
500 lbs pure evil nothing more nothing ells.
Posts: 259
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Postby Rage||DUTA|| on 15 Feb 2008, 19:32

Sheeeeezzzz - I have a hotmail address???

Can't remember what the foock it was :shock: :shock: :shock:
Lord please forgive them, for they know not that they have challenged the DUTA Clan...
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