News Item: : Welcome to new look DUTA
(Category: General)
Posted by Nilrem||DUTA||
Saturday, 25 April 2009, 19:49:20
Welcome to our new look Website!
Our old design (see picture : left) had served us well for years and its with a little sadness in our hearts that we replace it, but it was starting to look a little bit dated, and with our needs growing its about time we took the plunge and finally updated the site. So after many hours toiling away in order to get the site how we want it and with many new features and toys to play with especially for the admins, I give you DUTA's new home, so pull up a chair and make yourself comfortable. We hope you like the new design as much as we do.
The ballistics section returns with a new front end and improved user interface, we were forced to remove it from our old site due to the amount of traffic it generated using up all our allocated bandwidth for the month very quickly, currently it is open to all but if the problem returns we will be forced to change the access to registered users only. The speed coop, links and squad details have also been improved with a much better look and feel, and for the speed coop a few new times to boot too. The forum also has a new look, more features and is much more integrated with the site (big thanks to Rooster||DUTA|| for all the PHP and CSS template work). New to the site are the Guest book (drop by and leave a message), War room (see the results from previous clan battles & challenge DUTA here if you want a friendly), Live server list (check who's on-line and playing in DUTA servers) and Newsfeeds.
All logins have been imported from our old site (forum) so if you had a login for our old forum you will be able to use the same login here, if you dont have a login please do register it will open up more features and areas for you to look at, but please dont re-register if you already have a user account, contact an admin who will be able to sort your access details out.
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This news item is from DUTA
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