News Item: : Sad News
(Category: Squad)
Posted by Hippy||DUTA||
Wednesday, 2 June 2004, 22:35:26

With the good new yesterday, I dont suppose its any surprise to have to bring bad news today. Im very sad to say we have lost two members over the past few weeks, one who has been with us for a few years, and the other a far more recent acquisition, but both will be sorely missed by DUTA. Firstly we have lost Shadow, who flew through the ranks due to his awareness and quick skills, and many of us had high hopes for this one to go all the way, and apart from his boredom threshold I think he may of done, alas he has gone to pastures old, and is now more often seen on the battlefields of counterstrike. Our commiseration's for this fact and for his loss, and hope he comes back to his senses soon. Also, last month we lost Scorpio, this has been under debate for a while and hence no news posting on this event, but it is now official and likewise, the man has moved on to different games, his main addiction I believe being Star Wars Galaxies, or SW Crackwhores whatever, so goodluck with that, dont spend too much, and remember some things are more important than gaming, eating being one of them. Likewise the man will be muchos missed and we hope he will continue to be around and up for some chats every now and then. Anyway, a big goodbye from DUTA to these chaps, and we extend our best to them both, and likewise should our games collide again in the future, they would be very welcome to come back to the fold. Peace to you both, keep fighting soldiers. (Taps)

This news item is from DUTA
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